TL;DR. I’m in the top 9% on the Titanic leaderboard using a CNN. Yes rly.

I was playing with fastai.tabular (v1) the other day and I could not get it to be my friend.

All the time I could hear Jeremy’s voice in the back of my head saying “make things which aren’t pictures, into pictures”, so I had a quick look to see if there are any papers about encoding tabular data as images. I figured that must be A Thing people are doing.

I found a paper describing a method called SuperTML which is based off of something called Super Characters; both essentially involve putting your non-image data (text or number values) onto an image and then using a CNN to process them.

I mean, literally like that. File this under “so stupid there’s no way it should work”, but it actually does.

The first thing which occured to me though is that the model is going to understand the underlying values an awful lot quicker if I just use them as color codes or greyscale values. In my limited experimenting so far this seems to be the case, and at the moment I’m generating images which look like this.

The second thing which occured to me is that maybe I could feature engineer the data to death, throw everything including the kitchen sink into the images and have the model figure out which features mattered. That would have been so awesome. It did not work.

So far I’m finding simpler architectures are better for this. That’s not terribly surprising. It’s also very quick to train as there’s very little to figure out.

I managed to get top 9% on Titanic using ResNet-18 (again with fastai), with an accuracy of 0.79665. That’s a PB for me (although I was very wet behind the ears when I first tried this competition). As best I can tell, the real record for this competition (once you get past all the 1.0 idiots) was around .85 (anything above about 80% is ok) and it involved ensembling quite a few different models. I did 5 epochs at 1e-2 and then 5 at 1e-3. I didn’t even need to unfreeze, it’s basically looking at minecraft blocks.

If you want to play around with this, I’ve put the image encoder onto github.

The code is in the following cell. It's not complicated and there may be other directions this could go in, other information which could be encoded into the images. Drop a comment or have a play with it if you can think of anything.

from PIL import Image as PImage
from PIL import ImageDraw as PImageDraw
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt, ceil
from sklearn import preprocessing

class DFToImageEncoder():
  def __init__(self):
    self.__scaler = None
    self.__encoders = None
    self.__data = None
    self.__mms_data = None
    self.__exclude_cols = None

  def data(self):
    return self.__data

  def data(self, df):
    self.__data = df
    self.__mms_data = df.copy(); mms = self.__mms_data;
    # drop excluded cols
    if(self.__exclude_cols is not None): mms.drop(self.__exclude_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
    # fit if we haven't already
    if(self.__scaler is None):
    # label encode any cat cols and scale from 0-255
    if(self.__encoders is not None):
      for col,enc in self.__encoders.items():
        mms[col] = enc.transform(mms[col])
    mms[mms.columns] = self.__scaler.transform(mms[mms.columns])

  def exclude_cols(self):
    return self.__exclude_cols 

  def exclude_cols(self, cols):
    # cols to exclude from the image (like your target)
    self.__exclude_cols = cols
    if( is not None): =

  def fit(self, df):
    # fit to all your data then process train/val/test by changing .data
    df = df.copy()
    if(self.__exclude_cols is not None): df.drop(self.__exclude_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)

    for col in df.columns:
      if df[col].dtype == np.object:
        if(self.__encoders is None): self.__encoders = {}
        enc = preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(df[col])
        self.__encoders[col] = enc
        df[col] = enc.transform(df[col]) # have to actually tfm here or the scaler can't fit
    self.__scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 255))

  def iterrows(self):
    # index and row from the original df + generated image 
    for index, row in self.__data.iterrows():
      img = self.create_image(self.__mms_data.loc[index].values)
      yield index, row, img

  def create_image(vals):
    # you can call this directly with an array of 0-255 values (floats or ints, i don't care)
    img_size = 200
    mtx_size = ceil(sqrt(len(vals)))
    div_size = img_size // mtx_size

    img ="L", (img_size, img_size))
    drw = PImageDraw.Draw(img)

    i = 0
    for y in range(0, mtx_size):
      for x in range(0, mtx_size):
        x0 = x*div_size; x1 = x0 + div_size
        y0 = y*div_size; y1 = y0 + div_size
        if i < len(vals):
          drw.rectangle([x0,y0,x1,y1], fill=(int(vals[i])))
          drw.line((x0+5,y0+5,x1-5,y1-5), fill=128, width=5)
          drw.line((x0+5,y1-5,x1-5,y0+5), fill=128, width=5)
        i += 1

    for i in range(1, mtx_size):
      drw.line((i*div_size,0, i*div_size,img_size), fill=0)
      drw.line((0,i*div_size, img_size,i*div_size), fill=0)

    return img

  def fastai_img(img):
    # for getting preds directly from a fastai model
    from import Image
    import torchvision.transforms as tfms
    img_tensor = tfms.ToTensor()(img)
    return Image(img_tensor)

You use it like this:

# setup 
enc = DFToImageEncoder()
enc.exclude_cols = ["PassengerId", "Survived"] # fit to ALL the data
# create training images saved to disc = df_train
for index, row, img in enc.iterrows():
  # exclude_cols are still returned for you to inspect
  if row.Survived == True:
    path = "images/Survived/"
    path = "images/Died/" + str(row.PassengerId) + ".jpg")
# train your model...
# get predictions, use in memory images directly = df_test # switch to test data
for index, row, img in enc.iterrows():
  # helper function to convert to a fastai image
  fast_img = DFToImageEncoder.fastai_img(img)
  pred,_,_ = learn.predict(fast_img)